twist smb. around one's little finger

twist smb. around one's little finger
wind или wrap smb. around (или round) one's little finger
   пoмыкaть кeм-л.; вepёвки вить из кoгo-л., зacтaвить кoгo-л. пляcaть пoд cвoю дудку (нe cмeшивaть c pуccк. oбвecти кoгo-л. вoкpуг пaльцa)
    Mart, but, honestly, any smart woman can twist you around her little finger (S. Lewis). Hugh had enough charm and cunning to wind anyone around his little finger if he tried hard enough (S. Howatch)

Concise English-Russian phrasebook.

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Смотреть что такое "twist smb. around one's little finger" в других словарях:

  • twist around one's little finger — (smb) have complete control over someone and be able to make them do anything you want She is able to easily twist her supervisor around her little finger and gets whatever she wants at work …   Idioms and examples

  • twist — I n. type of dance 1) to dance, do the twist act of twisting 2) to give smt. a twist unexpected turn 3) an ironic; strange, unusual twist interpretation 4) to give a (new) twist (to the news) approach, method 5) a new twist II v. 1) (D; tr.) to… …   Combinatory dictionary

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